THE VALUE OF THE FRANCHISE SYSTEM We all know buying a car is a big purchase; usually second only to a home. And it’s a complicated purchase; with financing, titling, registration, insurance and trade-ins. Because cars are expensive and car buying is complex, government set up dealer franchise laws to protect consumers. READ MORE |
PRICE COMPETITION MATTERS Local franchised auto dealers create fierce price competition and prevent manufacturer monopolies; protect consumer safety with recall, warranty and repair service; generate good-paying local jobs, tax revenues and economic benefits; and simplify the otherwise complex car purchasing and registration process. READ MORE |
CONSUMER BENEFITS OF THE DEALER FRANCHISE SYSTEM The franchised dealer system has efficiently and effectively served the needs of car buyers and the auto companies they represent for more than one hundred years. READ MORE |
WHY DO STATE AUTO DEALER FRANCHISE LAWS EXIST? Auto dealer franchise laws drive competition for new-car and new-truck sales and prevent monopoly pricing by automobile manufacturers, who otherwise could set a nationwide, |
RENEW A DRIVER LICENSE, REGISTRATION OR OBTAIN PAPER TITLE. The Division of Motorist Services has implemented an electronic lien and titling system (e-title) designed to assist leinholders as well as vehicle owners. Electronically maintaining the title to your vehicle eliminates the risk of losing it and having to pay title fees to obtain a duplicate. It is also an effective fraud deterrent because potential thieves will not have access to it. Consumers may still request the paper title be printed at any time. |
CONSUMER COMPLAINTS. The Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services functions as the state’s clearinghouse for consumer complaints. They assist consumers with information, protection and complaints regardless of whether they regulate the particular industry. |
VEHICLE REPAIR. The Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services regulates motor vehicle repair shops in Florida. |
FLORIDA’S LEMON LAW. This law falls under the Florida Office of the Attorney General. It applies to NEW or demonstrator vehicles sold or long-term leased in the state of Florida. |
FLORIDA’S FRANCHISE ACT. The Florida franchise act is outlined in Florida Statutes 320.60 – 320.70. |
SEARCH FOR ACTIVE LICENSEE. The Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles licenses and regulates new and used Dealers, wholesales and manufactuers in the state and has a list of searchable active licensees available to the public on their website. |
DEALER COMPLAINTS. Complaints against Florida dealers should be filed with the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles at the county office responsible for the dealership. |
CONSUMER SERVICES HOTLINE. For general questions or consumer program related topics, contact the toll-free Consumer Services Hotline at 800-HELP-FLA (800) 435-7352 or (850) 410-3800. |
ATTORNEY GENERAL FRAUD HOTLINE. The Attorney General’s fraud hotline is (866) 966-7226 or (850) 414-3990. |