Electric Vehicles More News
The future is here and Florida dealers are here for it! “As EV’s begin to permeate our dealerships, Florida’s franchise dealers are leading the way. We are excited about getting EV’s into the hands of consumers,” said Paul McNamara, FADA Chairman. “We are doing everything we can to educate ourselves and our consumers as we usher in this new era in transportation.” FADA invites you to visit our EV coalition and website for more information.
- No need to mandate U.S. EV sales in these three states
- Governor DeSantis announces next steps to strengthen Florida’s electric vehicle infrastructure
- Electricity Laws and Incentives in Florida
- Florida’s electric vehicle market geared for exponential growth but awaiting takeoff
- Consumers want Dealers to be a big part of EV journey
- Will car dealerships be able to adapt to the age of electric cars fast enough?
- LA’s EV hub is charing ahead with manufacturing innovation
- Chargeway parnters with NADA to give EV shoppers “range confidence”
- Fort Worth EV charging startup see opportunity D2C business
- Can I order a car from the factory?
- Increasing profitability and improving customer experience through digital car-buying
- Quick response to changing market vital for suppliers
- Busting three myths about electric vehicles
- Keys to crafting smart policy for electric vehicles
- States: The next battleground in the switch to EVs
- Restrictions on EV sales are absurd
- Electric vehicle direct sales legislation
- A turning point for US auto dealers: The unstoppable electric car
- The next best electric car battery is here, cheaper than ever
- Can the electric vehicle industry champion substainabilty, inclusivity and governance agendas
- Car insurance must evolve in line with new ownership concepts
- Electric vehicle infrastructure push brings cyber concerns